Sunday, November 7, 2010

Autumn Reigns

Beautiful summery fall days have nearly given way to the snow that's forecast for Tuesday. We drained the water lines for the well today. 
This week I finally planted some arugula, red spinach, and maybe lettuce --although I can't remember--in a grow-box.  Today I noticed they had sprouted.  Also I finally planted the garlic. I tried to choose the nicest heads and planted a nice selection of Chesnok, Oregon Blue, and Susanville, which is what we had last year.  The Chesnok is a hard neck garlic, and has a nice full spicy flavor.    I confess I've only been using the hard neck because I understand it has a shorter shelf life.
The potatoes and sweet potatoes have been dug. Sauerkraut is fermenting. We've had a good crop of onions--can you ever have too many onions? The black beans are finally shelled and in jars.  Pumpkins have been harvested and we cooked the first one tonight because I have a hunger for pumpkin pie.
The earth cries out for moisture, which we hope does come soon. 

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