Sunday, April 12, 2009


Ann and Herb each turn 50 this week. Ann is my "oldest friend"--meaning not that she is old in years but she is the only peer I can think of who has known me my whole life. We both appreciate this.
Herb wanted to tie-dye, and dye we did.
Another peer died earlier this year from cancer. We had lost touch with each other over the years, but I was able to attend her celebration of life held shortly before she passed away. Her widower stopped by this week spontaneously and we visited for a long time, about plants, how he was doing, his kids. At Linda's pre-death celebration, she showed a video of a trip to Las Vegas. A fountain there erupts to music every hour, and while they were there in the fall, they filmed this fountain surging to "Time to Say Goodbye" by Andrea Bocceli. It was so beautiful I had a whole different sense of what could be good about Las Vegas.
Any one of us could die at any moment, or lose someone we love. It's always the right time to tell someone we care. Every minute of life is precious. Live with appreciation for another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We recently had a visit with our two daughters who live in different states and away from the parents. They worry about us getting "older" and "what to do with the "old" folks. We too long for closeness and family around. Decisions are always much "stuff" to go through and dispose of before a long distance move could be accomplished. Perhaps the decision will just be forced by circumstances and we will adjust.