There is nothing more satisfying and practical than having a store of spinach stashed in the freezer.
We ate fresh salsa this week with our locally grown tomatoes and jalapenos, and tomatoes in both frozen and canned forms for lots of things. (Did not do the sun-dry experiment this year, unfortunately). We have corn and bell peppers in the bag. We have grapes in the jar. We have garlic in the basement. We still have basil in a pot. We have honey in the comb, a process we understand better than we did when we received it. We gave tomatillo salsa and plum jam for Christmas. Finished the onions, could have used more. Garlic got harvested too late and split, but we are still using it.
"It was an OK year."
The July 4 Derailer Bike Collective chickens. Snowball, Rocky, Ginger, and the girl who only lasted a day. |