A hint of snow fell last night. Even a trace felt like a miracle to inhale. So with this post we'll share a song.
Just click the button that says listen to song to read all the lyrics and hear this song called "Glorious"--written by Karisha Longaker and sung by MaMuse (Sarah Nutting and Karisha)--that is just such a pretty meditation on the beauty of the earth and its mystery.
Oh, what a day! Glorious!
All the clouds
Have gathered round
The tops of trees
Oh what a day! Glorious!
Pitter patter
Fallin’ rain I can’t believe
All that’s green
Lifts up its leaves
Singin’ water come on in
We’ve been waiting all these days
Prayin’ you would come to quench
Every yearnin’ in our bones
Water, life with you begins
Oh what a day
Oh, what a day! Glorious!
All the clouds
Have gathered round
The tops of trees
Oh what a day! Glorious!
Pitter patter
Fallin’ rain I can’t believe
All that’s green
Lifts up its leaves
Singin’ water come on in
We’ve been waiting all these days
Prayin’ you would come to quench
Every yearnin’ in our bones
Water, life with you begins
Oh what a day