Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kevin wants to go to college

I just visited Kevin this morning. He had a gash on his forehead from where he fell down the stairs into his apartment a few days ago. He had a seizure. “I always fall on the back of my head” but he couldn’t work that out under the circumstances, and there was no carpet on the floor. While I was there we thought of, and I wrote on a piece of paper which I stuck to his refrigerator, reasons he might quit drinking. (He says he started again because he got bored.)
College is his number one reason.
Kevin inspired me to sign up for college a few years ago (I’m graduating in a month.) He said then that he was going to sign up for Spanish. I thought, “if Kevin can do it I can too.” Not long after that he fell off the wagon.
So he still wants to go to college. Now he wants to study Sociology. When he says this he is dead-on serious. But like many drunks it does not account for the fact that really all he can do when he’s drinking is recover from the last drink and plan for the next one. His body suffers: partly because he has Hepatitis C and partly because he’s been hit on the head so many times he has a seizure disorder. If he weren’t drinking he could take seizure medication which would moderate his seizures. Plus he wouldn’t have the nasty problem of those seizures he gets when he’s deprived of alcohol.
I got him to say, "I don’t want to live in the past—I want to live for the future.” Yesterday I heard my spiritual adviser say , “The ego lives out of the past. The soul is looking to the future.” Ours was a good visit.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Finally it snowed

Here's a picture from Friday morning, March 27.

And here's a picture from Wednesday, right before.

We're so grateful for the snow, and especially the moisture. March is supposed to be Denver's wettest month, but until yesterday we had not had one drop.
"The Arctic is often cited as the canary in the coal mine for climate warming… and now as a sign of climate change, the canary has died." Dec. 2007, Dr Jay Zwally is a glaciologist employed at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lilli impromptu interpretive dance

Test test.
First time blogger. Posting picture of Lilli and "interpretive movement" from February 28. The 2 minute movie taking forever to upload, so I stopped it and put in a photo of Lilli standing by her bedroom door. Boring, so I tried another movie, this time a 9 second basketball movie. HEY IT WORKED!

So this is what a blog looks like. Some blogs are about important activiteis of daily living.
The pace flag is standing at attention to the north wind, and several inches of snow have fallen this morning. The first moisture received for 2009, with March (our month of greatest precipitation) having only 5 more days we had become a little worried.