Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beef: It's (Not) What's For Dinner

Last night I had the usual malaise about figuring out what to have for dinner.  Having a plan early always helps me, because if I wait til dinnertime it's just so much harder to think of it and fix it too.  The mate said "how about a salad?"  He also suggested fish.  I love it when he thinks of something that sounds like it might be good.
When we sat down to eat we thought our food was so pretty we should take a picture of it.

It had garden lettuce (supplemented with a little store lettuce), gold and red tomatoes, yukon gold potatoes, edamame with garlic onion and thyme, carrots, red and green pepper, and grilled salmon.  We did not grow the salmon. 
Honey thought he didn't like edamame (green soybeans), but that is because he hadn't really tried them.  Al wanted to plant them, and he and I shelled a container of them the previous week.  I ate some one night when partner was out, just sauteed some garlic and a bit of onion in olive oil, then put in the beans, a few sprigs of thyme, and salt.  Voila!  Add beer and you've got dinner for one.  I ended up sticking the bag of beans in the freezer because I thought they'd freeze well and if I was the only one eating them I would regard them as my personal stash.  On salad night the frozen beans worked fine, and now honey thinks he likes edamame after all.

1 comment:

paula said...

Looks like a great "shore lunch"! Yum!